Your one-stop-shop for all things recovery related, because if you can't win, lose to your opponent ...not to your body

Refund and Returns Policy

Your personal information is used to personalize your experience, improve the website to better serve you, provide customer service support, efficiently process your requests or transactions, tailor advertisements to you, elicit reviews of services or products, provide you offers, promotions and to follow up with you through correspondence (email, live chat, or phone).

We may also use this information to provide you offers and promotions from our partners and/or our affiliates in exchange for a commission without additional cost to you.

In conjunction with the use of cookies, third parties may also use web beacons, which are also known as clear GIFs, web bugs or pixel tags to collect general information about your use of our website. They monitor user activity and are used to track customer behavior data. This information may be relevant to third parties such as the ad networks used on our website to tailor the advertising based on your behavior and interests.

We may include, offer or advertise third party links, products or services on the website. Once you click on a third party link and leave this website, you are no longer bound by our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

We do not take responsibility for the sale, shipping, performance of any third party products we promote on our site. In addition we cannot take responsibility for the customer experience you have once you leave our site and visit theirs, regardless of whether you make a purchase. If you have ANY issues or problems with any third party, it is your responsibility to work directly with them and vice versa toward a mutually beneficial resolution.

If you have a poor customer experience with a third party, please let us know. We don’t want to promote brands that don’t take good care of their customers.

We have no control over these third parties and they have their own privacy policies. Neither are we responsible for the activities and practices of these third parties. You should contact them directly and read their privacy policies for any questions. You also agree that your use of these third party websites is solely at your risk.